Technological advances has brought us numerous conveniences, so much so that we start to develop delusions about what technology can achieve, especially when it comes to our health. Many people think that they are all powerful and want to experiment on the human body, which has been created perfect by God, or perfected by billions of years of evolution. Some people have yet to wrap up with the procedures for tonsil removal, and are already experimenting with cutting off the gall bladder, while some are even planning to remove the appendix. We pay high medical fees to hurt our own body. While going through the inevitable and various kinds of painful post operation, we think we are helped or even saved by medical advancements, and are thankful for what a wonderful age we live in. Speechlessness is the only proper response to such behavior and sentiment.
You are what you eat, such that diseases enter through the mouth. Tonsil is part of the immune system and your first line of defense when fighting throat infection. When it is removed, even though your tonsil won’t ever get infected again, you will catch other much severe diseases. The appendix that is created by God is not something useless as we feel. It has a very effective ability to digest fur. Because modern diet has a lot less fur, this ability has seen some reduction.
Even though you can live without the gallbladder, you will see a tremendous discount on your quality of life. There are two customers who came often to our shop for foot massage. Both are female and average 65 years of age. One had her gall bladder removed several years ago, the other did not. The one without her gall bladder does not feel well with the body at all. Besides physical pain at various places in the body, she also experiences great amount of stress, with many disease plaguing her. She never seemed energetic and gets tired easily. Comparing with the other lady who maintained the holism of the body, it’s like comparing heaven and earth. Though she also experiences stress, she shows great amount of vigor. Her voice is rich, and her constitution is strong, she is generally in much better health condition. Most importantly she displays a very good positive mindset.
Our gall bladders store the bile that was secreted from our liver. It releases the bile into our intestines to help with digestion as according to the different level of need of the body. We consume food of various colors, they all get expelled in only one color, and this is due to the gall bladder.
The main reason people remove their gall bladder is mainly because of gallstone. Gallstone is caused by high toxic level of the bile. When the liver experiences a reduction in its effectiveness, it won’t effectively remove the toxin from the bile, and this greatly increases the probability of occurrence of gallstone. Even though the symptom of gallstone is observed in the gall bladder but cause stems from the liver. This is why when gallstones are removed, it relapses in the future, and doctors will suggest removing the gall bladder. Would you cut off your head just because it hurts?
In China, gallstone are treated with very conservative method. One of the method is combine reflexology with herbal medicine that helps to decrease the size of gallstones such that it will automatically get washed away by the circulatory and digestive system. If you want to keep relapse from happening, you will have to live a healthy life style.
In my long experience with massage therapy, I have come to realize that our body is very robust: it has the ability to heal itself. The most disease that we sought medical treatment for are caused by our own misuse and abuse of our bodies. It’s tragic that most people attribute such disease as shortcomings and defects of the body, such that removing parts of the body seems like the sensible thing to do. I would like to recommend that do your best to maintain the holism of your body. No amount technology can help you fight against billions of years of evolution and God.
You are what you eat, such that diseases enter through the mouth. Tonsil is part of the immune system and your first line of defense when fighting throat infection. When it is removed, even though your tonsil won’t ever get infected again, you will catch other much severe diseases. The appendix that is created by God is not something useless as we feel. It has a very effective ability to digest fur. Because modern diet has a lot less fur, this ability has seen some reduction.
Even though you can live without the gallbladder, you will see a tremendous discount on your quality of life. There are two customers who came often to our shop for foot massage. Both are female and average 65 years of age. One had her gall bladder removed several years ago, the other did not. The one without her gall bladder does not feel well with the body at all. Besides physical pain at various places in the body, she also experiences great amount of stress, with many disease plaguing her. She never seemed energetic and gets tired easily. Comparing with the other lady who maintained the holism of the body, it’s like comparing heaven and earth. Though she also experiences stress, she shows great amount of vigor. Her voice is rich, and her constitution is strong, she is generally in much better health condition. Most importantly she displays a very good positive mindset.
Our gall bladders store the bile that was secreted from our liver. It releases the bile into our intestines to help with digestion as according to the different level of need of the body. We consume food of various colors, they all get expelled in only one color, and this is due to the gall bladder.
The main reason people remove their gall bladder is mainly because of gallstone. Gallstone is caused by high toxic level of the bile. When the liver experiences a reduction in its effectiveness, it won’t effectively remove the toxin from the bile, and this greatly increases the probability of occurrence of gallstone. Even though the symptom of gallstone is observed in the gall bladder but cause stems from the liver. This is why when gallstones are removed, it relapses in the future, and doctors will suggest removing the gall bladder. Would you cut off your head just because it hurts?
In China, gallstone are treated with very conservative method. One of the method is combine reflexology with herbal medicine that helps to decrease the size of gallstones such that it will automatically get washed away by the circulatory and digestive system. If you want to keep relapse from happening, you will have to live a healthy life style.
In my long experience with massage therapy, I have come to realize that our body is very robust: it has the ability to heal itself. The most disease that we sought medical treatment for are caused by our own misuse and abuse of our bodies. It’s tragic that most people attribute such disease as shortcomings and defects of the body, such that removing parts of the body seems like the sensible thing to do. I would like to recommend that do your best to maintain the holism of your body. No amount technology can help you fight against billions of years of evolution and God.