What is Chinese foot reflexology?
Reflexology is based on the ancient massage technique that applies pressure on parts of the feet, or sometimes the hands and ears, to affect other parts of the body and/or improve general health. Practitioners of foot reflexology believe the foot is connected to all major organs and glands in the body. As such, they believe, working the foot is like working and healing the body. More specifically, each pressure point in the foot "mirrors" the health of a specific organ or part of the body. So when customers feel more tenderness than usual at a pressure point like the top of the toe, practitioners usually suggest that one's eyes are more tired than usual.
The main benefit of reflexology is the reduction of stress. Since the feet and hands help set the tension level for the body, massaging the areas can interrupt the stress signal and reset homeostasis, or the body's equilibrium.
What to expect?
Reflexology sessions generally last between 30 minutes and one hour. Although you remove just your shoes and socks, you would be advised to wear comfortable clothes, especially loose-fitting pants, as your reflexologist will probably massage your legs at the end of your session.
Reflexology benefits!
Reflexology is based on the ancient massage technique that applies pressure on parts of the feet, or sometimes the hands and ears, to affect other parts of the body and/or improve general health. Practitioners of foot reflexology believe the foot is connected to all major organs and glands in the body. As such, they believe, working the foot is like working and healing the body. More specifically, each pressure point in the foot "mirrors" the health of a specific organ or part of the body. So when customers feel more tenderness than usual at a pressure point like the top of the toe, practitioners usually suggest that one's eyes are more tired than usual.
The main benefit of reflexology is the reduction of stress. Since the feet and hands help set the tension level for the body, massaging the areas can interrupt the stress signal and reset homeostasis, or the body's equilibrium.
What to expect?
Reflexology sessions generally last between 30 minutes and one hour. Although you remove just your shoes and socks, you would be advised to wear comfortable clothes, especially loose-fitting pants, as your reflexologist will probably massage your legs at the end of your session.
Reflexology benefits!
- Relaxation----Foot reflexology is effective in bringing about a deep state of relaxation. The solar plexus is the nerve center where stress is stored. When the solar plexus reflex point is pressed, it is as if all of the stress in the body is eliminated. Because stress can greatly affect the immune system and leave one vulnerable to serious illnesses such as cancer, it is important to relieve it. Reflexology can help in this way.
- Improved Circulation--Reflexology can improve blood circulation in the feet and throughout the body. The gentle stroking of the feet and the application of certain hand and finger techniques improves blood flow to vital organs. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to these organs, nourishing body tissues. If a part of the body is injured, foot reflexology can help repair the injured tissue.
- Regularity--Foot reflexology can bring balance when constipation is an issue. Stimulation of the intestine, colon and other corresponding reflexes can make elimination easier and return it to a normal state.
- Reduction of Pain--Foot reflexology is effective for pain management. When reflexology is applied to the feet, more endorphins are produced to block pain signals to the brain. Endorphins are painkillers that are stronger than morphine. People who are experiencing pain may get significant relief through reflexology.
- Improved Memory--Because oxygen is required to keep the cells of the body in a healthy state, foot reflexology can help to deliver vital oxygen to brain cells. Stimulation of the brain reflexes on the feet improves circulation of blood to the head. Foot reflexology, when administered routinely, will help improve a forgetful mind.